Saturday, July 20, 2013

Synchronicity and human evolution 101 for skeptics and believers.

Déjà vu all over again is our destiny.

Why does the wireless age enrapture us? Because we and the rest of creation have been going wireless for millions of years. And the more evolved we become, the less our bodies will be of importance to our lives. But I am getting ahead of myself here. Let me back up and not bring out the cake before the main courses.

We've all had it, that odd feeling that we've been there before. That the fabric of time and space has been pulled back and we have to look. We have names for it:  intuition, ESP, coincidence, déjà vu, and the official psychological term, synchronicity.

While many are apparently ignorant of synchronicity going on around them, evidenced by their lack of reaction or action, I am always observant. It is like a hi-definition channel I can’t shut off. For lack of a better word, let us call these events, “messages from the universe.” I do not claim to understand the messages. We all get them, and some more often than others. Many messages are missed every day, and at night when we dream there is a steady stream of them.

Synchronicity is a word coined by Karl Jung in the 1930s, to explain impossible coincidences in each of our lives. Even Jung experienced it. (But you're only Jung once, so get used to it). But not everyone agrees with Jung. The study of the human condition and specifically that gray matter between our ears, is usually studied by nut-jobs, pardon the expression. Logically, if you have problems upstairs, you often go into psychiatry. I am a believer, but I didn't need Jung’s ideas to convince me. I have experienced synchronicities throughout my life. I refer to them as my epiphanies. I used to think I was manifesting these events. This is referred to as ‘making affirmations.’ The idea is that once we envision things, we cause things to manifest into the world. We create curses or blessings by the power of our thoughts and words. But wait a minute here. If this were a foolproof truth then the Holocaust prisoners would have collectively wiped out Nazi Germany. But they didn’t. So what can we make of that? Does it mean the Nazi affirmations negated the hope of their victims? Why were the people afflicted with AIDS in Africa not able to simply envision themselves being cured and then been cured?

In other words, why don’t affirmations always work? If they are true, they should always work, right? And if they are random, then why would anyone put their faith in the idea of affirmations being an effective means to solve a problem or achieve a goal? And also, If we pray or make an affirmation for a worthy thing, what are we to make of that thing not coming to pass?

Let me be honest with you. I see that life is a flawed program that cannot be modified simply by virtue of our mental powers or faith, or our superstitions. We only imagine we can change life by affirmations. It is a self-fulfilling thing. We make excuses when things don’t go our way. We make lemonade when life gives us lemons. We bow low and pray to the invisible Creator of the Universe because we didn’t write the code, nor do we understand what the code is. Listen: Even Jesus didn’t get what he prayed for or he wouldn’t have been crucified. It was Jesus who said that if we believe and do not doubt whatever we asked for would come to pass. But this is not true. It is the positive affirmation idea. When speaking to the Creator, Jesus said, “Not my will, but yours.” So where does that leave us? Out in no man’s land, where a coin toss is as good as anything.

Since this is the way things are, what are we to do with the obvious fact that synchronicity happens? My theory is that our job is to simply observe the opportunities in each revelation. Our lives overlap other people’s lives everyday. Perhaps all synchronicity indicates is that we are all interconnected. In a bee colony there is a hive collective thought. The bees are of the same mind. Could that not also be true of human beings? When you think of an uncle in Hong Kong and ten seconds later the uncle phones you, is it not possible that there is a “wireless” signal that connects all of us? You might think of this knowledge base as being like cloud computing. It is all around us. When we tap into it we gain insights. In other words, this ability we have to greater and lesser degrees, is perhaps an indicator of where we as a species are headed. Or to use a better word: evolving.

Logical people try to break down the illogic of life. They remark that the Supreme Being, whoever and whatever that is, must be a logical thinker, as if life is a chess game and God is the Chess Master. They point to all the logic inherent in creation and say, “There, you see? Everything happens for a reason. You only don’t understand because you don’t see the whole picture! Be at peace. Meditate. Accept the unknowable." But I say, "Balderdash!”

This line of reasoning seeks to make sense of life, but I am not yet convinced life can be made sense of from our perspective. Why is humanity enamored with magic? Because we see it happening every day. Those with faith assume God is good, and therefore God only wants good for us. But this is not true. If everything sprang from this one being that has always existed, then we must be honest and admit that evil also came from God. Evil could not create itself. It was formed in the mind of God long before it took tangible form. Did God not see all the evil of humanity and perhaps other worlds before it was formed? Of course! Is God using evil? Of course! Is God using good? Certainly. Is God like Vonnegut's Tralfamadorians, and able to see us in an accordion like shape from beginning to end. Is then there any such thing as death? Ah, but we are wading in to deep waters which inevitably lead back to things that existed before the Big Bang.

But let us address the fundamental problem in our way of thinking. We expect justice in the universe. This supreme being who is in and over all things, apparently does not help good people more than bad people. Look around you: bad people are prospering. If there were justice in the universe, only the good would prosper. Only good people would be living in Beverly Hills.

Ultimately the concept of synchronicity leads us to the idea that whoever is running this show, whatever name we give it, appears to have no preferences for good or evil. We read our religious texts that indicate good will overcome evil in the end, but until then evil is all around us, doing pretty much anything it wants to do. If positive affirmations worked 100% of the time, there would be no evil. But there is, so we cannot count on affirmations to affect change.

Do we have the power to make things happen by our conscious and unconscious thoughts? Or is everything random and without meaning. Buddhism does not teach about a personal Creator of the Universe. There are millions of gods and goddesses in Hinduism. The Greeks had thousands of gods, as did the Mayans, Babylonians, Sumerians, and Egyptians. And while Christians tout their faith as being the only true religion, Christianity is a religion stained by bloodshed from its very beginnings. Followers of Christianity performed the most horrific crimes against human beings in the history of the world. We are flawed spirituality.

Most people who are spiritually minded want to be with people like themselves, which is why people join religions. Their affirmations are: I want to fit in and not be alone to contemplate the madness of life. I want order and reason and if there is synchronicity in the world it is because life is orderly and with order comes peace.

But Job wouldn’t have agreed with that. Or Jung. Or Pauli, the famed physicist who learnt insights from realizing that science cannot explain everything. In the realm of physics, there are things that don’t make sense. There have been experiments that indicated forces faster than the speed of light could affect two particles infinitely separated in space. Affect one and it affects the other.  They have no explanation for why this is true. Observing the event changes the event itself. How's that for mind boggling? And, the particles themselves seem to know what is going on! For those who aspire to be physicists, here is the basic information page. There will be no exam next Tuesday. Maybe.   And here is a study done in Israel. 

This idea of duality is also part of the equation of human beings. Jung postulated that for every positive thought there is a negative one. If that is so, then affirmations should not work at all. We want a new car but we fear going in to debt, so we do nothing, or we buy the car and then a week later we die in an auto accident. Which intuition, or door, do we follow? How do we know the right path for our lives? As we walk down a street we think of a certain sandwich we love. Three seconds later we arrive at a deli that advertises that same sandwich. How did we know?

For many years I dreamt of gemstones. I had a gemstone dream last night. In the dream I collected precious gems in an outdoor location. They were marvelous: clear, egg-like, or cubic, and full of patterns and colors. In my dreams I want the gemstones for myself. I am not sharing them with others, and often I am hiding them from others. Why? What do the gemstone dreams mean, that I need to become a geologist? Tomorrow or today I may be walking by a jewelry store. If I do not go in, will I be violating or delaying some event? If I go in, will I be shot in a robbery or meet the woman of my dreams? Caught in this quandary it is impossible to make a decision one way or another. So we choose, and we die, or life goes on. No wonder ancient religions had so many fickle deities.

This is the caveat and conundrum of synchronicity. What benefits are there to synchronicities if they do not tell us what to do? Short of a telegram, we are left pondering in a state of confusion because of the jumble of messages and images that have clogged our minds. If I am to be a being that can bring things into existence by my thoughts, isn't that the definition of The Supreme Being? What if there is only "one game in town," and not room for a bunch of quasi-gods and goddesses? Isn't that the oldest story told in the bible? Or are we all evolving into comedians and therefore we should give up trying to make sense of anything?

It may be that we are all psychic to greater and lesser degrees. Perhaps our destiny is to evolve into beings composed of light and become gods. Or not. In my cosmology we are illusions. Time is also an illusion. Could it not be possible that time itself overlaps from time to time? For, after all, your ancestors are every bit as alive as you were ten seconds ago. You are as alive now as you were when you were two years old. All the rest is a series of synchronicities signifying nothing or everything. You decide.

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